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 كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
~][Bent Lebnan][~

~][Bent Lebnan][~

انثى عدد الرسائل : 17
العمر : 33
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2008

كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics   كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics Emptyالسبت مايو 03, 2008 3:13 am

Ayami Beek (The Days Spent With You)

And i can love again ...

and every now and then ... i call to you
if i forget ... my heart will remember ...
that in the beginning and in the end ... i am yours

and i can love again ... and every now and then
i call you but you don't hear me ... and the whole world hears my plea
if i forget ... my heart will remember ... that in the beginning and in the end
i am yours and i will always say it ... i wish you could always be mine
i loved ... the days spent with you ...
and i loved them for you ... and i've never really loved before you
then why should i forget? ... and how much do i count for you? ...
i have wondered about you ... i am yours
the time spent with you. my love. made me forget the things that weighed
on me
things that your heart. for years. had not reconciled itself with ...
we are now healed
i have no one else in the world but you.
and there are no others in my life
and how? it will never come from me to not think about you even one
second ...
because whether you are far or near ...
i am always thinking of you ... wherever you are ... i see you
whoever i am with ...
in my heart i am always beside you. my love

2-Khod Balk Aalia (Take Care Of Me)

Take care of me ... this is not the right way to treat me
and keep in mind ... all the days that i devoted to you

if only you would understand me. and not take for granted
a woman who has ached without showing it
this woman who has sacrificed and tolerated so much
when she decides to forget ... she will not ask for your permission

what you lacked ... i completed
what was ugly in you ... i embellished
my love is an opportunity ...
that you will regret losing

who else will spend her days ... worrying about you?
who else will let go of her soul ... should you decide to leave her?
who else will you find ... whenever you need someone?

3-Betmoun (I Owe You)

I owe my laughter. i do
I owe my tears. i do
you can have anything you desire. my love.
o owe you my heart. take a look at my heart
none of this would be. if you did not exist

forgive a heart that goes crazy
about such beautiful eyes
who would not love you. god help me from your love
deceptive. your heart is deceptive

i owe you my heartbeat
and were it not for feelings. what else would be left
my love. if you leave. i will suffer. suffer
take care of me a little. and beware
my tender heart can only handle so much

i will not betray you. even if your love betrays me
and madly. how madly i love you
o my soul. you can have anything you ask for.
my heart escapes. my control
it is at your will. this heart that has been pawned
so do forgive it. when it goes crazy

4-Ya Aalem (Who Knows)

Who knows. my love. what the future has in store for us? ...
my greatest fear. my darling. is that i not see you tomorrow ...
i feel scared about our days together ...
i have little faith in the promises they carry
and i fear they miegh break their word

who knows. my love. what tomorrow has in store for us?
my greatest fear. my darling. is that i not see you tomorrow

on this night when i meet with you ... i am afraid it might not happen again
this world. what does it hold for us?...
that we live together my love ... or that both of us die?
promise me. darling ... that we'll br together whatever the case
if we lost what we have now ... would we ever find it again?
ahead of us. lay dreams that we have yet to live ...
we have come close to them. you and i. but could not reach them
where can we run to? ... always worried about our dreams ...
escaping us. and you and i unable to follow them

5-Law Ma Tegy (If You Would Come Back)

If only you would come back to me during my sleep ...
and with a touch of your hand awaken me
awaken the love that is in me
that was asleep while you were away
if only you would come

you helped me make pease with the world
you gave me back my youth
i am young. playful child again
runnung barefoot on the ground

before you my heart was like a tree without birds
i was like a colorless paradise like a butterfly unable to fly
you changed time you turned the cold into warmth
if only you would come

had passion not knocked on my door
and erased boredom with a smile
i would have been satisfied with my struggle
no worring about love. or about the moon
if you would only come

you thought my heart to express itself
you made me forget how to cry
you wiped my confused tears
from my tired. sleepless eyelashes

6-Mosh Kteer Aliek (Not Much For You)

If would not be much for you
if i could dedicate my years. my love. to you
i have found my life's dream in you
where would i find a lover like you?
if i were to spend years
with you. my darling. they would feel like days
for my heart was sad before you came
who would i live for. if you were to go away?
it's hard for me ... to say everything i feel ...
it's impossible to describe all my emotions
it's difficult to explain ... what i'm going through

i felt in my heart
the very moment our eyes met
i susrrendered my heart and soul to you
and lost myself in you. my love
what was i living for?
what was i before i first saw you?
your love called to me and i answered
and found my life's dream in you

7-Adek Ereft (So Now You Know)

So now you know what i did not want you to know
what has been in my heart for a long time. torturing it. scaring it
i love you so much that i almost hate you
because i don't know what else to do
not only do my eyes and soul and everything inside me call you
all the hearts have heard me. but why not yours?

so now i know what is wrong with me
and how much longer
i have to live a love unreturned
now i know why i am always in this state

8-Ala Hobbak (To Your Love)

My darling. your obsence is driving me mad
my heart misses you. when you are away
my love. you inhabit my soul. you make me forget my pain
and i want you beside me even when you are far away
i opened my eyes to your love ... i don't care what people say
i will never let go of your love
take me back to your heart ...
say goodbye to my life but not to me
i will never love anyone but you
let me live beside you ... and tell you i love you
my feelings for you are still strong within me
i've missed you so much
have you forgetten me? where are you? my heart aches
aches for your love. and your passion. and your wonderful heart

9-Ana Bastaghrab Aleh (I Wonder About Him)

I wonder about him ... has someone told hem
has my passion reached him even if he leaves me for ever
my love will find him again ... i wonder about him
i am alone. what is wrong with it ... enough! i do not need him
the world keeps turning ... but i cannot mind asking about him
what he means to me? i'm only asking about him
and all that is on his mind .. i will never forgive him
for making me worry over him
what does he mean to me ... he is my love. my everything
he has touched my heart to it's very depth ... i have nothing left
with which to express my feeling for him
what does he mean to me
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد الرسائل : 82
جنسيتك : كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics Male
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2008

كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics   كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics Emptyالسبت مايو 03, 2008 1:42 pm

الله عليكى الله
والهى ما انا فاهم حاجه
بس شكلوه حلو
تقبلى مرورى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
~][Bent Lebnan][~

~][Bent Lebnan][~

انثى عدد الرسائل : 17
العمر : 33
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2008

كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics   كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics Emptyالأحد مايو 04, 2008 1:32 am

ههههههههههههههههههههههههههه بالطريقه دى انت تقدر تنقلهم بالانجليش وتعمل فاهم pirat
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
mr romio
المدير العام
المدير العام
mr romio

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 44
العمر : 40
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2008

كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics   كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics Emptyالأحد مايو 04, 2008 7:24 am

منوره المنتدى يابت يابنت لبنـآن lol!
موضوع جميل تقبلى مرورى lol!
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كلمات البوم ايامى بيك اليسا (مترجم للانجليزى) English lyrics
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